October 22, 2024
Specialist Services Kite Aerial Photo

Photography from a kite is a cost effective, low carbon, method of producing unique, unusual, and useful images of the ground from above. Kite aerial photography has numerous potential uses including recording archaeological sites from above.

Vertical or oblique images can be produced for site recording and monitoring. Applications can include recording earthworks and standing structures, providing elevated views without the need for scaffolding or cherry pickers. It can produce unique viewpoints for publication or for promotional use.

Using digital cameras allows the collection of many images per session. These can be stitched into larger images and if required, rectified and georeferenced. This makes it a suitable method to rapidly map archaeological sites. Our lightweight equipment allows us to access and photograph the most remote sites. We have also used this technique successfully in an urban setting.

Photography from a kite is a cost effective, low carbon, method of producing unique, unusual, and useful images of the ground from above.

Click here for Important Information about Kite and Pole Aerial Photography

Click here for Potential Uses

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